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Once you have registered you will need to login to your profile to upload your event details for review. If you have any issues please email for assistance.

User Details

Password must contain 8 or more characters,at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter

Additional Information

Postal address for ACM pack. Address information and telepone number are used by August Craft Month only and are not displayed publically

Social Links

Adding your social links here means we can prefill them in newly created events

Social links will be published on your event page

By submitting your application to August Craft Month your contact details will be shared with Design & Crafts Council Ireland, Craft NI and our PR company for August Craft Month related purposes. We will not sell or distribute your contact details to any third party at anytime

We would love to hear more about your maker journey to share with our PR team JAGO. Use this space to tell us what is interesting and unique about your event or business. Some examples include, techniques shared down through the generations, unusual career changes, innovative sustainable approaches, community initiatives, making craft accessible, partnering with makers and/or organisations or other.