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Open Studio Kinvara Pottery, Co. Galway

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About the event

Meet the maker – a chance to visit a working studio and explore the space

Visit ceramist Jaqui at work in her courtyard studio and have a go at making a textured tile.

Unique, handmade ceramics on display and for sale in the tiny ‘Loo-vre’ gallery space onsite.


Where is it taking place?

H91 APY9

Who is it suitable for?

Details to follow


Level gravelway for parking and walking to the studio, toilet available in the ‘Loo-vre’ gallery space. Steps and pebble area unsuitable for wheelchairs.

There are two very friendly dogs who insist on greeting everyone….please phone ahead if you want the dogs kept elsewhere for your visit.

When is it taking place?

Saturday August 12th , 11am to 4pm

Price & do you need to book?

Free. No booking required

Contact details




+353 87 7197409

Additional information 

“After returning home to Ireland after living in the UK for 15 years, Jaqui rented various studio spaces in the South Galway region to make and teach ceramics. Two years ago she managed to buy her own property and installed a shipping container and renovated a small shed which now make up a dedicated ceramic art space. Jaqui teaches regular classes and runs ad-hoc workshops in handbuilding clay.”


Design & Crafts Council Ireland
DCCI Made Local


All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.

All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.

Event Details

Maker: Jaqui Ryan

Starts: Sat 12 Aug at 11:00 am

Ends: Sat 12 Aug at 4:00 pm

Craft Type: Ceramics

Event Location: Galway

Event Type: Open Studio, Demonstration

Price: Free