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Exhibition of Textile Dolls

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About the event

An Exhibition of Handcrafted Fabric Dolls made by artist Teresa Doyle.

Teresa will be present from 11am to 2pm to do a ‘show and tell’ and answer questions visitors may like to ask about her doll making.


Where is it taking place?

Tullynally Castle and Gardens
N91 HV58

Who is it suitable for?

All ages


The court yard and toilet is accessible.

When is it taking place?

Thursday August 3rd, 11am to 2pm

Price & do you need to book?

Free. Booking is not required

Contact details


+353 87 6421148

Additional information 

“Teresa Doyle is a visual artist, working between paint, collage and textiles. In recent years, her main practice has been doll-making, in which she creates fabric dolls that are based on people, memories, and traditions. Having grown up in a home in which her mother fixed, darned and mended her and her siblings’ clothing, Teresa developed a love and respect for the skill of sewing, and the role it can play in creating, fixing, mending, and repurposing. In this regard, Teresa’s dolls aim to tell a story, capture an individual character, and evoke memories through the use of old, second-hand garments and repurposed fabrics in their construction.”


Design & Crafts Council Ireland
Made in Westmeath


All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.

All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.

Event Details

Maker: Teresa Doyle

Starts: Thu 3 Aug at 11:00 am

Ends: Thu 3 Aug at 2:00 pm

Craft Type: Textile Making

Event Location: Westmeath

Event Type: Exhibition, Meet the Maker

Price: Free