Create your own soap dish with step by step instructions from Susan Herlihy. An opportunity to get hands on, learn about the slabwork technique, experiment with different texture and add your desired colour.
The square coachhorse lane
Co Cork
Details to follow
Wheelchair accessible, toilets available
Friday August 18th, 11am to 1pm
€10. To book contact +353 87 902 8186
The society of cork potters is a group of experienced potters continuing the legacy of potters before them in a group that is one of Ireland’s longest running craft groups. 43 years.
Design & Crafts Council Ireland
Cork Potters
All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.
All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.