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Wet Felted Painting Workshop

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Come along to a Wet Felted Painting Workshop on the 17th August from 10am-4pm at Artists Studio, 4th Floor, Conway Mill, Belfast.

Led by experienced artist Marie-Louise Gormley, this full day course will cover an introduction to the principles of creating a wet felted painting. You will be guided by an experienced artist, working from photo’s, images or sketches you will learn about composition and perspective, giving balance and depth to your finished work.

Price includes tuition and materials.

Tea/coffee available, please bring a packed lunch

Suitable for all levels – beginners welcome.


To book, please email

Event Address: Artists Studio, 4th Floor, Conway Mill, Belfast BT13 2DE

Advanced Booking is Required

Suitable For: Adults 18+

Accessibility Information

Wheel chair Access Disabled Toilets Onsite Parking

Event Email: :

Event Contact Number: : +44 7850530876

Event Memberships

Craft NI Makers Directory

All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.

Event Details

Maker: Marie-Louise Gormley

Starts: Sat 17 Aug at 10:00 am

Ends: Sat 17 Aug at 4:00 pm

Craft Type: Textile Making

Event Location: Belfast City

Event Type: Workshop

Price: £65