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Mono-Printing on Clay

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Saturday 24th August
10am – 1pm

In this 3 hour workshop Fang will instruct you on decorating tiles by mono-printing, suitable for beginners and those we experience wanting to learning something new.

Mono-printing is a type of printing where the imagery is created and used to transfer onto the clay surface only once resulting in a unique image every time. This is a lovely technique that once learned can be applied to your own work. With this process, you can quickly and easily customize your clay creations with stunning detail. Bring your own imagery to work from to create something personal.


Fang Zhao’s work is inspired by her Chinese background, particularly her interest in traditional Chinese mountain painting. She uses organic mountain shapes as a metaphor to examine her personal life journey. From thematic sketches, she experiments to explore materials, form and surface decoration.


Book here.

Event Address: 288 Beersbridge Road

Advanced Booking is Required

Suitable For: Adults 16+

Organiser: : Belfast Ceramics Studio

Event Email: :

Event Contact Number: : 00447523806458

Event Website: :

Event Memberships

Craft NI Makers Directory

All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.

Event Details

Maker: Belfast Ceramics Studio

Starts: Sat 24 Aug at 10:00 am

Ends: Sat 24 Aug at 1:00 pm

Craft Type: Ceramics

Event Location: Belfast City

Event Type: Workshop

Price: £55