Intercultural Textile Exchange
The fabric of East Cork is woven together by the rich cultural backgrounds of its residents. Join us for an afternoon of sharing, exchanging knowledge and connecting with one another.
Katie Nolan will demonstrate spinning wool, and we invite you to display and demonstrate traditional textiles from your culture. We’re also inviting folks to bring a taste of traditional food so we can share our international flavours.
To display or demonstrate, contact or +35383 845 1750.
To join us as a spectator, booking at is recommended and appreciated, however drop-ins are welcome.
This event is supported by Cork County Council & Creative Ireland’s Creating Connections Award and is part of Katie Nolan’s Youghal Carpets project.
Event Address: Greywood Arts Centre, Main St., Killeagh Gardens, Killeagh, Co Cork, P36 KN61
Suitable For: All Ages
Accessibility Information
Wheelchair Accessible
Event Email: :
Event Contact Number: : +353879481567
Event Website: :
All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.