I will be having my annual Summer Open Studio on Saturday 10th August from 11am – 3pm. I will have a wide range of pots for sale, firsts and plenty of seconds. Please do come along if you can.
It’s always a lovely opportunity to catch up with people and also meet some new people too.
Event Address: 21 Cullycapple Park, Aghadowey, BT51 4AS
Suitable For: All Ages
Accessibility Information
Wheelchair access.
Organiser: : Adam Frew
Event Email: : adamifrew@hotmail.com
Event Contact Number: : 07745774605
Event Website: : www.adamfrew.com
Event Memberships
Craft NI Makers Directory, Design & Crafts Council Ireland
All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.